About AED
The Association of Leaders in Equipment Distribution
Associated Equipment Distributors (AED) is an international trade association representing companies involved in the distribution, rental and support of equipment used in agriculture, construction, forestry, mining, power generation, rental, cranes, material handling, and other industrial applications. AED serves:
- Independent distributors that sell, rent, and provide aftermarket support for industrial equipment and related products
- Manufacturers of industrial equipment and related products
- Suppliers of business services, including finance, insurance, business systems/ERP and other services
AED has many core strengths, but most notably, it’s our ability to speak with one unified voice as an industry. The organization finds success in many ways; mainly, it’s through our ability to maintain excellent relationships with dealer principals and professionals in manufacturing through understanding the challenges that they face in their specific business operations. There are not very many members of AED who are not active in AED. Primarily, that is due to the fact that you can’t fully recognize the value of your membership unless you’re participating in the association, in taking advantage of the programs and services that your dues dollars have gone to support.

Those programs and
services include:
- Public policy and advocacy – AED is our members’ voice in Washington D.C. and Ottawa
- Industry education, training and career development
- Research, analysis, and information on markets, economic and business trends and performance benchmarks
- Events and networking opportunities that enhance and facilitate business-to-business interaction and cooperation and cultivate sources of capital and finance
- Public relations that promote knowledge, understanding and enhancement of the evolving role of distributors in North American markets
We believe in and encourage the highest business standards and ethical behavior. We are committed to strengthening the free enterprise system. We promote synergy and cooperation among individuals and companies when pursuing the industry’s common interests. We value continuous improvement and lifelong learning, and we encourage and support members of the industry in their active participation in the processes of government.