Rental Companion Report

Rental Companion Report

AED’s Rental Companion Report Bundle is a supplement to the Cost of Doing Business Report, presenting a detailed analysis of rental practices from the equipment distribution industry. This new bundle includes both the Rental Report itself and the Equipment Distributor Rental Operations Benchmarking Practices.

Based on confidential surveys completed by AED distributors, the Rental Report includes a compilation and analysis of rental financial and operations data segmented by sales volume by type, line of business, regions (based on climate), and a special grouping of “High Profit” dealers. This year’s Rental Report provides a specialized focus on common rental practices within the industry.

Also included in the bundle, the Benchmarking Practices provide readers with a more simplified compendium of our aggregated data. Essentially, this is a breakdown of the findings of our Rental Report in plain English, giving you tangible information and solutions for your business moving forward. You can expect to find detailed financial figures, critical analysis, interesting forecasts and much more!

Purchase Report

View Rental Report Excerpt


Executive Summary

Rentals are an increasingly important source of revenue, market share and profitability for distributors. However, current tools to assist distributors in improving the performance management of their business rental lines are sparse. AED’s answer to that void is its Rental Report.

AED’s Rental Report was generated from a foundation of objective data provided by several distributors regarding their rental strategies, business models and operations. That information was organized into the following survey of AED members. The results are presented in the report and throughout this document.

The report and this document are, at their core, benchmarking tools. AED members are encouraged to use this information to assess their distributorships’ competitiveness and incorporate the data into their 2021 planning processes. Comments or questions about the report or this document? Contact your AED Regional Manager.

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