Cost of Doing Business

Cost of Doing Business (CODB)

What is the CODB?

The CODB is a robust report that contains information that can’t be found anywhere else. Dealers can utilize the tools in the online platform to benchmark themselves against other dealers by region, sales volume, line of business, and more. It is an invaluable tool for dealers to use to evaluate their results.

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Why participate?

The Company Performance Report (CPR) is designed to assist you in evaluating your own business’ performance relative to comparable AED distributors. When you use the CPR, you can compare your figures with those of all equipment distributors that responded to the survey, as well as participants in the same general net revenue volume category, line of business, and other data aggregations deemed relevant. Also, comparative information is provided, showing the performance of the “high profit” firms in the industry.

100% Confidential

To maintain confidentiality, all data is worked with on a completely anonymous basis (all company identifying information is removed, and each company is assigned a unique code). No individual company responses are shared with AED or with any other person or organization. That’s right – not even AED sees the company-specific information used to compile the Cost of Doing Business Report.

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