
AED Member Vermeer Corp. Testifies Before T&I Committee

On Feb. 1, the House Transportation & Infrastructure (T&I) Committee will hold a hearing to examine the challenges facing our nation’s infrastructure and solutions to address the situation.

Witnesses include Vermeer Corporation’s Chair of the Board Mary V. Andringa. Vermeer Corporation is an AED member organization. Andringa will testify about the importance of a modern transportation infrastructure on the economy and the need for a long-term, robust funding mechanism. In addition to Andringa, the leaders of FedEx Corporation, Cargill, BMW North America, and the AFL-CIO will also participate.

The Trump administration cites rebuilding our nation’s crumbling infrastructure a top priority. However, to make increased, long-term investment a priority, Congress must act. And Congress will only act if you, the voter, engage. Infrastructure investment, tax, workforce development, energy, and regulatory policy will be the focus of the AED/EDA Washington Fly-In on April 4-6, in Washington, D.C. Register now and help make the case for the policy issues important for your company and the industry.

More information about the hearing, including testimony, additional background information, and a link to the live webcast, will be posted here by the T&I Committee as it becomes available.


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