
Addressing the Workforce Shortage

The AED Foundation (AEDF) is working to address the equipment industry’s workforce shortage by bringing a larger quantity of qualified technicians into the workforce. As part of Vision 2024, AEDF plans to do this by increasing the number of AEDF accredited college programs and recognized high school programs throughout North America. The ambitious goal of accrediting 100 college programs and recognizing 50 high school programs will bring a significant number of qualified applicants into the industry that will translate into successful employees at dealerships.

There is no question that The AED Foundation’s accredited college programs and recognized high school programs offer students the advantage of getting an excellent education which will help them become highly qualified entry-level technicians in the industry.  These programs provide great benefits to dealers as well. Working with AEDF recognized and accredited schools offer dealers the opportunity to get more involved, including the chance to serve on an advisory board. Dealers can also be rest assure that graduates from these programs will be  highly qualified entry-level applicants in the area, as the schools must meet AEDF’s standards. Dealers will be able to save on training costs by hiring graduates from accredited and recognized these programs because they have extensive training before entering the workforce.

After students graduate and enter the workforce, the learning doesn’t stop there. Employees can utilize the Foundation’s webinars to gain industry knowledge. Dealers can take advantage of the Certified Technician Program and Certified Manager Programs that The AED Foundation offers. Furthering a technician’s education is a benefit to the dealer as it helps enhance the technician’s skill set. Highly skilled technicians add credibility and in turn profitability to the dealership as customers know they invest to ensure premium performance. This program not only assures dealers and their customer base that they have technicians who meet industry standards but shows their employees that they are willing to invest in their future with the company. Technicians will be able to receive an esteemed education that will help them advance in the industry and apply the knowledge they have gained through their careers.

The Foundation’s goal of a community based, school-to-work program helps connect dealers with students and schools by getting them involved in the program. This can be by providing resources to schools and making sure students have the proper equipment to learn on so that they will be ready to enter the workforce upon graduation. This education is a benefit to both students and dealers, as it ensures graduates are familiar with the equipment the dealer uses.

Addressing the workforce shortage requires collaborative partnerships to create a positive change in the industry. The AED Foundation will continuously work to bring together students, schools and dealers to increase the number of qualified technicians entering the industry and meet our Vision 2024 goals.


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