
Moraga Bridge, Road Situation Underscore U.S. Infrastructure Crisis

This article was originally published in the Walnut Creek Patch. You can find the original article here.

The recent announcement that Moraga will be spending more than $3 million to repair the sinkhole on Rheem Boulevard and rebuild the Canyon Bridge highlights the problem localities across the country are facing due to a failure to substantially invest in our nation’s crumbling infrastructure.

Whether it’s structurally deficient bridges, dams and levees or inadequate roads, airports and pipes, America’s infrastructure is insufficient, and our leaders in Washington can no longer forsake responsibility when it comes to much-needed maintenance and improvements.

If our leaders in Washington committed to a long-term, robustly-funded plan to rebuild and upgrade the nation’s roads and bridges, Moraga and other towns across the country would have infrastructure in place that can withstand heavy storms. Had the necessary investments been made in past, the problem likely would have already been resolved with less cost to the local government, the taxpayers and the residents who now must waste time stuck in traffic or being rerouted.

Our infrastructure is the lifeblood of our economy. It impacts our quality of life, the competitiveness of our businesses, and the safety and security of our country. All this while spurring economic growth and creating well-paying jobs.

I urge Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Sen. Kamala Harris and Rep. DeSaulnier to work in a bipartisan manner with the California congressional delegation, their colleagues and the Trump administration to immediately address the nation’s infrastructure crisis. Further delay is unacceptable to Californians and the rest of the country.


Brian P. McGuire

President & CEO

Associated Equipment Distributors


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