
We Have a Deal! Last Chance to Lend Your Support to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

Word on Capitol Hill is that an has been reached by the bipartisan group of senators negotiating legislation that will invest more than $1 trillion to rebuild the nation’s infrastructure without raising taxes on the nation’s job creators.

A vote could happen as early as today to begin consideration of the legislation by the full Senate. The proposal invests $110 billion of new funds for roads, bridges, and major projects, $17 billion for airport infrastructure, $25 billion for airports to address repair and maintenance backlogs, and $55 billion in clean drinking water infrastructure. Additionally, there are historic investments for broadband (included targeted funding for rural and underserved areas) and power infrastructure.

The legislation will create jobs and economic growth, address years of underfunding in rural infrastructure and promote the efficient movement of all goods—from machinery to agriculture products—to customers and ports.

Senate passage isn’t a given, and AED is keeping the pressure on! AED has launched a grassroots effort targeted at U.S. senators to push them to support the bipartisan infrastructure package. We will send state specific-letters to your U.S. Senators with AED member company logos listed. The sample letter that will be personalized for each state and Senate office is .

This is your last chance to help ensure these significant infrastructure investments are approved by the Senate and can then be considered by the House. All you need to do is send your logo in an email to or your AED Regional Manager before Friday, July 30 at noon, specifying all the states where your company operates (include branch locations). We’ll then compile the logos onto the letters and deliver them to the Senate offices.

To view a fact sheet about the bipartisan infrastructure bill visit:

Thank you for your support of this effort. Please reach out to AED’s Vice President of Government & External Affairs, , if you have any questions.


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