
AED Alert: Chairman Shuster Releases Infrastructure Investment Proposal

On July 23, House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-Pa.), unveiled an infrastructure proposal to “further the national conversation about the current state of America’s infrastructure and highlight some of the major roadblocks to funding and improving our transportation network.”

While not formally introduced as legislation, Chairman Shuster intends it to serve as a basis for comprehensive infrastructure investment legislation later in 2018 or during the next congressional session.

“AED is greatly appreciative to Chairman Shuster for championing policies to rebuild the nation’s crumbling infrastructure in a sustainable manner,” said AED’s President Brian P. McGuire. “The Chairman’s proposal acknowledges solutions that AED has urged Congress to enact for the past decade, including increasing the current user fee, ensuring drivers of electric vehicles pay their fair share into the Highway Trust Fund and shifting the nation towards a per-miles-traveled charge or another solution to ensure the long-term viability of the federal highway program.”

“Chairman Shuster has demonstrated leadership and advanced a transformative plan to rebuild America. His congressional colleagues must now accept their responsibility and pass legislation this year that will show the country that Washington is serious about investing our nation’s infrastructure. The American people have waited far too long and it’s time to turn words into action.”

Key components of Chairman Shuster’s plan include:

• Maintaining the Highway Trust Fund’s solvency through 2028, by phasing-in, over three calendar years, a 15-cent per gallon gas tax and 20-cent per gallon diesel increase (following the three-year phase-in period, the gas/diesel tax will be indexed to inflation).

• Buttressing the Highway Trust Fund by establishing a 10 percent fee on the wholesale price of electric batteries used to propel motor vehicles and a 10 percent fee on the wholesale price of adult bicycle tires.

• Eliminating the federal gas tax by September 30, 2028, and replacing it with a new vehicle-miles-traveled program or other similar solution.

• Streamlining the federal permitting process for infrastructure projects.

View Chairman Shuster’s vision statement here:

View the discussion draft here:

View a section-by-section analysis of the discussion draft here:

For more information please contact Daniel B. Fisher, AED’s Vice President of Government Affairs at


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