
AED Congratulates New Congress, Outlines Legislative Priorities

On January 3, Associated Equipment Distributors’ President & CEO Brian McGuire delivered a letter to the 115th Congress urging action on the construction equipment industry’s legislative priorities.  The letter’s delivery coincided with the commencement of the new congressional session.
McGuire wrote, “Equipment distributors are ready for Congress and the administration to put partisan differences aside and immediately work together to enact growth-inducing, job-creating policies to ensure the country’s economic vitality for decades to come.”  McGuire also outlined the association’s tax reform, infrastructure, workforce, energy, health care, and regulatory priorities.
Be sure to attend next week’s AED Summit & CONDEX in Chicago to hear more about the association’s public policy agenda and the threats and opportunities with the new Congress and administration.  Also, mark your calendars for AED’s 2017 Washington Fly-In on April 4-6.


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